Wednesday 10 December 2014

Lighting Research

 Most of my trailer will be filmed in outdoor locations such as parks and rivers and therefore I will probably rely on natural lighting a lot to emphasise my characters and their features. On the left are two screenshots of images which demonstrate the type of natural looking lighting that I want to be displayed in many of my shots. If I'm going to use solely natural lighting in a lot of my shots then I need to make sure that I plan effectively and take factors such as the weather and the time of day into account. For example, if I'm planning        
to film during the night then I cannot rely on sunlight to light my shots as it gets dark around 5ish or earlier for a lot of the winter.

If I include indoor locations such as bedrooms or clubs/restaurants then I will have to consider using internal lighting. If I decide not to then my shots could risk being blurry or out of focus or not emphasise the characters in a way that I intend to. However, in terms of practicality using advanced lighting rigs and systems may not be possible as I don't have the budget to afford equipment like this and even if I managed to borrow some there would be an issue in transporting it and setting it up in certain locations that I have looked at. Therefore I will have to consider the lighting I want to use carefully and decide whether natural lighting is effective enough in making my shots look professional and appealing.

I intend to go for a high-key lighting theme throughout most of my trailer as this will instantly indicate the genre to the audience as it will make the tone of the film positive and emphasise the characters happiness (happy relationship). On a few occasions I may decide that low-key lighting is more appropriate for the mood of the shot. For example, when the characters have an argument because this will instantly give the shot a more dim and unhappy vibe to emphasise the importance/significance of the argument. Also, if I include a scene of the characters drinking or taking drugs then I might use low-key lighting for these shots as I think they will add to the drama/realism element of the genre and emphasise the rebellious and non-caring lifestyle stereotyped with teenagers.