Wednesday 8 April 2015

Narrative Codes: Roland Barthes

Barthes suggests that there are specific narrative codes throughout films that help the viewer to understand what is happening and make assumptions based on that. I have spoken briefly about some of these codes in relation to my film, such as action codes and enigma codes.

Enigma Codes: are little puzzles or unclear shots that the audience are left to think about and question.

Action Codes: Significant moments, looks, acts etc that prove an important narrative point. Shown often through close ups. Things like "falling in love" and a significant look or defining moment representing this emotion to the audience.

Symbolic Code: Refers to something outside of itself, represented through a different form, e.g. an hourglass representing a countdown until the death of a character.

These codes appear frequently in films of all genres and Barthes clearly identifies these and the effect they have on the audience, they interest an audience and provoke them to make assumptions and question certain elements of the narrative and therefore want to watch or continue watching to find out more.