Thursday 23 October 2014

Location Scouting 1

I'm still trying to think of a narrative for my romance trailer so it's too early to start deciding on set locations yet, however it is useful for me to start looking at a few locations and deciding if they are appropriate and representative of the romance genre. This was the first location I looked at, I think this could be quite a good location for many shots as it is quite scenic and peaceful which is representative of the romance genre. Often trees/wooded locations are included in romance films because nature gives connotations of beauty and peace which can sometimes be representative of romance. The sunny weather also helps to make this location look more romantic as it provides natural high key lighting and makes the shot look more bright and uplifting which are emotions that the audience are meant to feel during some parts of films of the romance genre. Obviously the weather can't be predicted or changed especially for the filming, but I can ensure that I check the weather forecast before and choose to film on the day with the best/sunniest forecast. In terms of logistics, this location is fairly flat and quiet so filming issues or accidents will be unlikely.