Q1) Question 1 researched into whether the target audience thought that 'romance' was a popular genre. The results found that everyone who participated filled in 'yes' to it being a popular genre. This is beneficial for me as I'm thinking of doing a romance film trailer and it is useful to know that the target audience agree that the genre is popular as it means my trailer has a chance of being successful in creating hype about the film.
Q2) This question found that the audience think that females prefer romance films more than males. This supports and links to other research that I've done. Often romance trailers attempt to target a female audience by including tear-jerking scenes and props like flowers because these are seen to be romantic and stereotypically appealing to a female audience as these are the demographic that have watched romance films more in the past. This has shown me that if I do make a film of the romance genre, I should definitely aim to target more of a female audience in the hope of appealing to more people.
Q3) Question 3 helped me find out a little more about the conventional target audience of romance films. It gave me an indication of which age range stereotypically enjoy the romance genre more. It found that the people who completed the survey all agreed that 16-25 year olds are the age range that enjoy romance films most. When making my trailer I will take this into account and try to ensure that my narrative and character types relate to this demographic in some way in order to appeal to them more.
Q4) Question 4 found a mix in opinion about what sub-genre is best suited to the romance genre. 50% said that drama is the most suited sub-genre for romance films, the other 50% thought that 'coming of age' was a more appropriate sub-genre. I will have to consider this carefully when creating my trailer, seeing as the percentage of votes for each was equal I have concluded that it is just down to a difference in the opinions of the target audience. Therefore I will consider both sub-genres and decide which one would be the most logistical for me to create. If my actors are teenagers, which they most likely will be, then coming of age might be a good sub-genre to follow.
Q5) The final question on whether having an antagonist is important in films of the romance genre gave a mixture of opinion again, the majority of people said 'yes' it was important, however 2 people out of the 6 participating said 'no' having an antagonist wasn't important. This is interesting as it shows a difference in opinion on what they prefer to see in films of the romance genre. I will consider whether or not to include an antagonist in my trailer. Overall this question shows that many people want to see an antagonist in films of the romance genre, however including an antagonist character is not necessary to make the film appealing.