Monday 16 February 2015

Filming Day 1: Costume 1

This is my female characters first costume, it is fairly simple and consists of ripped jeans, a baggy checked jacket and a chocker necklace. The choker necklace and the baggy jeans are used to represent her grunge style and to hint that this will play a minor part in the narrative. The clothing is fairly basic but the necklace adds femininity to the mis en scene as necklaces and jewellery are stereotyped with females. The character's hair is wild and curly representing her rebellious side and showing that she is unique and doesn't always conform to the rules. This idea will be backed up later in the film when we see the character taking drugs and drinking alongside the male character.

This close up/medium shot is used to show the character's make up for the first day of filming. The make up is deliberately noticeable as the character is wearing a fair amount of mascara and has a noticeably bright shade of purple lipstick on. This again proves that she is slightly rebellious, however it style shows that she has a more feminine side and takes pride in her appearance. The hair subverts this idea as it is wild and un-styled, but still fairly long which links back to her femininity being emphasised as longer hair gives connotations of fashion and beauty which are both stereotyped with females more than males.