Wednesday 25 February 2015

Internal Lighting

I have managed to borrow a professional film light of around 500Watts for my indoor shots as I was worried that the lighting would be too dim without external lighting and therefore my shots would be blurry and unclear which would make my trailer look more amateur and potentially put a pre-existing target audience off wanting to watch as they will see these low quality shots and think that the film overall will be bad quality and therefore less desirable. The lighting will be set up in the bedroom that I am filming the disequilibrium scene in, I will point it at the ceiling so that it doesn't shine too brightly on the actors as this will potentially blur some of their features or make them squint if it's too bright. Pointing it at the ceiling will give the room a warmer and more crisp lighting and therefore this will be reflected in the shots and will mean that the actors features are clearly emphasised.