Tuesday 3 February 2015

Genre Specific Magazine Analysis

  • The masthead of this poster is on the left hand side of the magazine cover, this subverts the convention of the masthead being in the centre of the magazine. However, some magazines do have their mastheads toward the left-hand side because they want the central image to be the most eye catching and central thing on the cover, so that the image will attract the correct target audience and then they will be drawn to the magazine's title soon after this. 
  • The buzzword on this poster is "Exclusive" as it this automatically grabs people's attention and interest because they think that the magazine includes new information and articles that they wont be able to read anywhere else, and many of the target audience who enjoy watching films will want to have updates on the latest films before everyone else, so they have priority and can find out hints of the narrative. 

  • The female character has a direct mode of address as she is facing the camera directly, however the two other male characters are looking away from the camera or have their backs to the camera. This hints at the narrative to the audience and shows that the female plays a key role in the film as she is the one facing the camera directly and instantly catching the audiences eye and interest. Direct mode of address is used to make the magazine cover feel more personal and make the audience feel like they are directly being targeted because the character is looking straight at them, therefore this interests many of the target audience for certain films, particularly romance films, and plays on their desires. 
  • The poster emphasises the film's genre, which in this case is romance, and hints at the film's narrative as there are 3 main protagonists on the cover instead of the stereotypical male and female characters that appear conventionally on magazines including romance films. This indicates some sort of love triangle and the way the characters are positioned also adds to this idea with the way the male characters have their backs away form each other and are turning and looking over their shoulders at each other and glaring, indicating some sort of tension between them, possibly involving the female, and therefore interesting the target audience. 
  • A mixture of fonts have been used on the magazines front cover, this is conventional of almost all magazine covers as different fonts are used to promote different sections of the magazine and the titles typography is often different from the font used for the tagline or the buzzwords because it is intended to stand out and immediately catch the target audiences eye. 
  • The film's narrative is hinted at slightly because of the magazines background involving a wood location, this allows the audience to discover and anticipate about the film's plot because they are wondering what the woods has to do with the film and if it plays a key part in it. This provokes interest in the target audience and will make them more likely to buy the magazine to find out more information. 
  • The star system is used to promote this magazine and make it appeal to a more tent-pole audience as it includes both an image and the name of all 3 famous actors who are associated with the specific Twilight films, and with the romance/fantasy genre. Therefore, this will appeal to a wide audience of people who know of and like these actors, and a more niche audience of people who like this film specifically.