Thursday 19 February 2015

Filming Day 2: Equpiment

On the left is a photo of me setting up the tripod and positioning the camera so it was at the correct angle for the shot that I wanted. As with the first day, the only technical equipment that I used to film was the tripod and the actual camera. Luckily, on the day we decided to film, the weather was very sunny and of average temperature. This meant that only external lighting was needed as the sun effectively lit up my actors in a range of different shots. The sun also meant that the ground was dry and we didn't have the problem of finding a safe place to position the tripod compared to on Day 1 of filming where we struggled and then had to stop filming in the end due to the bad weather conditions. Because I am making a trailer, the continuity in terms of the weather being rainy one day and sunny the other, doesn't matter. This is because I filmed at different locations on both days and I intended it to look like a jump in time showing the progression of the characters relationship, therefore the difference in weather was actually quite useful in effectively showing this jump cut to a later time.