Sunday 9 November 2014

Audience Pleasure

The main reason people watch films is because the enjoy it and get pleasure from watching them, different people get pleasure from different styles or genres of film. The aim of my trailer is to promote my film and in order to do this I need to ensure that my target audience get pleasure from watching my trailer so that they therefore will want to watch my whole film. In order to ensure that my target audience get pleasure from watching my trailer I will need to explore certain elements and ensure that popular conventions of the romance genre are used.

The following is a list of things I will look at and attempt to accomplish so that my target audience get pleasure from watching my trailer:

  • Iconography: I have already looked at and discovered some iconography relating to the romance genre, such as the main character types being a protagonist male and a protagonist female and the props such as flowers or alcohol (depending on the location). I will research further into romance iconography and make sure that a significant number of the stereotypical romance icons are included in my trailer. 
  • Props: Props link to iconography largely but I will ensure I include conventional props associated with and linked to the romance genre such as flowers, alcohol and drugs or presents (from the love interests, for example jewellery given to the female protagonist by the male). These will immediately make the audience interested as they have learned to associate these props with the genre. 
  • Narrative structure: My film will trailer will follow one of the two conventional narrative structures stereotyped with the romance genre. Either the 'happily ever after' ending which has proven to give the audience pleasure as the characters are reunited and everything is good and there is an equilibrium. Or the 'tear-jerker, tragic' ending where something devastating happens e.g. death and the characters aren't reunited, these endings have also proven popular within the audience because they are often true boreal life as not everything in life ends perfectly, however I am more likely to go with the first narrative structure as often the target audience of romance films are happier when there is a strong equilibrium at the end. 
  • I will look into what shot types and transitions are the most popular in romance films in order to appeal to my audience. I'm likely to use a simple cut transition regularly as this is very conventional in trailers as they almost always use montage editing as a way of promoting the film. 
  • Titles: My titles will be written in bright colours, or fairly plain depending on which sub-genre I decide on. Obviously I can't use the star system technique in my titles to promote the actors in my film because I have a small budget and therefore I can't afford to get huge actors to star in my trailer and am using actors my age, local to me. However I will look at other techniques used within the titles in the hope of appealing to the audience. 
  • Shot lengths will vary slightly but because I am only creating a trailer, no extremely long shots will be included so the narrative wouldn't be given away and so the audience would remain interested as they are curious and interested because they will only be exposed to clips and not the full plot.