Sunday 2 November 2014

Location Scouting 6

Park Location

Parks are also locations that are included in romance films quite a lot, they aren't included as regularly as some other locations such as beaches, however they are still used. Parks are used as places where teenagers sometimes 'hang out', for older teenagers they might sit and drink alcohol or do drugs in parks as some parks are quite secluded and therefore they are less likely to get caught. However, parks are often locations stereotyped with children as they are the people that go and play there, so if I used a park in my trailer I'd have to be careful in making sure the location didn't give too many conventions of childhood and playing, because this wouldn't appeal to a teenage/young adult target audience. In order to do this I would potentially only use a park location when it is the evening or the night time because children wouldn't usually be out at this time where as some teenagers might. Parks at night give completely different conventions to parks in the middle of the day. At night they are seen as a 'cool' places to hang out for teenagers, sometimes even gangs, so this would be where the drug element would come into the narrative. In terms of logistics, I live near quite a few different parks so it would be fairly easy to find a park to film in, as long as I pick a good time of the day.