Sunday 23 November 2014

Target Audience Detailed

I have gathered all my research and analyses of trailers from past films together and this has allowed me to build an idea of an appropriate target audience for my film. My general, non-specific target audience will just consist of teenage girls or adult females in general, because this is the demographic that has been proven to enjoy romance films the most. My niche target audience goes into a lot more detail and looks at the audiences interests and lifestyle.

Characteristics of my target audience:

  • Females aged 15-30
  • They will have an interest in films, specifically romance films.
  • Some of their hobbies might include: watching films, going out with friends, partying, shopping, dating. Therefore I have taken this into account and tried to include aspects of some of these hobbies in my film so that narrative is relevant and relatable to the audiences lifestyle and therefore they will be more interested and more likely to watch the film. 
  • The audience will be likely to either go to secondary school, go to college/university, or be in full-time employment. The age range is fairly wide and therefore the audience will vary on things like education and work, so I haven't focused too largely on this element in the narrative. The characters in the film both go to sixth form so some of the audience may be able to relate to this, however this isn't made that clear in the trailer as I'm not going to film any scenes at school.
  • Some of the artists/bands they may like includes: One Direction, Imagine Dragons, Sam Smith, Nicki Minaj, One Republic, Drake, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Calvin Harris, Jessie J etc. However, these are just some artists that have proven to be popular with teenage girls currently and everyone has very varied and individual music taste so again, I haven't focused too much on this in terms of my film. 
Of course the audience for my film isn't just reduced to the demographic described above and I aim to encourage as many people of all different genders and ages to watch my film. The reason I have looked so deeply into my target audience is because it is useful to me to see what interests them and what they enjoy so I can take this into account when creating my trailer. However, I am aware that not all of my target audience will be defined by the characteristics above and therefore I will also aim to make my narrative and characters as relatable as possible to a wider range of people, so that I'm not solely focusing on one highly specific, niche audience alone, because this could therefore risk alienating a broader group of people.