Monday 17 November 2014

Basic Narrative Overview

My trailer will follow the stereotypical boy meets girl narrative structure with the main characters being a male and a female protagonist. The characters will be teenagers, around 17 years old and the trailer will attempt to show elements involving the struggle of growing up and the mid-point between  child and adulthood where the characters are trying to discover themselves and what they want to achieve in their lifetime. In showing aspects like this, my trailer will often include drama as a sub-genre, particularly teen drama as it will attempt to display the hardships and also happiness of teenagers as they grow up. Before the female love interest meets the male love interest, she is shown to seem quite sad, lonely and not really sure of what she's doing. However, after the two characters meet her mood and the tone of the trailer completely changes and the female is shown to be much happier and calmer when she is around the male. The beginning shots of the trailer will show the female sat on the swings alone in the park, possibly drinking alcohol and looking fairly lost. The following shots will show the protagonists first meeting and eventually falling in love. The relationship between the two characters will gradually build as they begin to fall in love. Shots of them holding hands and laughing and having fun will be included frequently to display their bond to the audience and provoke interest within the audience as by this point they are rooting for the couple to be/stay together. The female will then look at the male characters mobile phone and see that he has messages on there from other girls, this then makes her think that he has cheated on her and this leads to a huge argument between the characters. However, it is unclear to the audience as to whether he did in fact cheat or not. The film's ending is also left on a cliff hanger at the end of the trailer as the audience will be gripped and full of suspense as they are wanting to find out what will happen and whether the protagonists will stay together or not. I feel that leaving the ending on a cliffhanger is conventional in almost every trailer and is the best technique to use, as it allows the audience to remain interested in the film, if the film ending is given away in the trailer then many people won't see the point in watching the film at all as they know how it ends and feel it is predictable.