Sunday 2 November 2014

Costume Ideas for Main Female

Initial costume ideas for the main female protagonist: Kate

Kate is aged 17 so her age should be represented slightly through her costume. I've decided that Kate's character will have a "grunge" style costume. I want the character to be perceived as quite rebellious and individual by the audience and I think her costume should show this.

The photo to the left shows the hair style I want the character to have. The actress playing Kate has very curly hair naturally anyway so it shouldn't be too hard to achieve. The length of the hair emphasises the characters femininity because long hair gives conventions of beauty and it is always stereotyped with girls more than boys therefore my character will tie in with the stereotype in order to be seen as "girly." However the fact that the hair is big and curly and out of control symbolises the characters wild and rebellious side, both of these are conventions of teenagers as much of the time teenagers are stereotyped as being reckless and 'off the rails' so this might appeal to the target audience as many may be able to relate to the character. This hair style ties in with the 'grunge' look as it isn't too styled and neat instead it has just been scraped back at the front and left.

In terms of the protagonists costume, she will obviously have numerous costumes throughout the trailer, however they will all follow a 'grunge' theme with a hint of femininity. The white laced dress is very feminine and girly to represent that side of the characters personality. It shows that the character does care how she looks and often does make an effort, but she doesn't care too much. Often females in romance films wear pretty dresses to give codes and conventions of beauty and attractiveness, this ties in with the 'princess' type character or the 'popular girl' who is seen to be very fashionable and attractive to many boys. My character will wear a dress to fit in with the type of costume relevant to the genre, however she will wear leather jackets or denim jackets to make the costume more casual and to divert from the typical girly costume type. Leather jackets give connotations of being rebellious and cool so this is why I will include this as part of my characters costume in some parts. This combined with the dress will fit in very well with the grunge fashion type that I want the character to conform to.

I want my character to wear big boots like this because in the past and still nowadays these boots were seen as rebellious and fashionable. These give the character the 'rock and roll' look and they represent her personality of not caring what people think. I would want the character to wear knee high socks or potentially ripped tights with these boots to continue the idea that the character is rebellious and isn't a typical girly girl with a very neat/precise fashion. The dress or skirt combined with these boots and tights will allow the character to look independent and non conforming to the ideas that society perceive to be normal/appropriate, but still show a degree of femininity and reliance when she is with the male love interest. The idea that she will be wearing a dress or skirt in shots with the male love interest will show that she is trying to make an effort to dress nicely for him, however the boots and jacket will show that she is still following her own unique fashion sense. The dress/skirt will be fairly short because this is conventional of teenage fashion sense as they are the age range that are most likely to go out and party wearing short clothes, also many of them won't have full time jobs and therefore can continue to dress how they like. I feel dressing Kate's character in this way will be appealing to the target audience as many of the accessories I have described are in fashion now so a number of teenage girls could potentially relate to Kate, also many of them may have similar opinions and lifestyles to the character and will therefore be attracted to the film.