Monday 3 November 2014

Costume Ideas for Main Male

Initial costume ideas for main male protagonist: Theo
The main male protagonists costume will be fairly casual and neutral to represent his non-caring personality and his laid back attitude. He will mainly wear jeans, a basic t-shirt and a hoodie, these are all typical items of clothing associated with teenage fashion.

The picture to the left shows an outfit similar to the costume I want the male character, Theo, to wear. Hoodies are often stereotyped with youths as they give conventions of anti-social behaviour because often the hood is used to hide a persons face so they are seen are seen as a threat. Whilst I don't want my character to be seen as a threat, I do want him to be seen as quite rebellious and not conforming to the rules of society so I feel that the hoodie will help represent this. Also, because the hoodie is a casual item of clothing it will help to show that the character isn't that concerned with fashion and is more concerned with going out and having fun. The plain t-shirt will also back up the idea that the character isn't too concerned with his appearance, but isn't the type to wear football shirts or full tracksuits, so it shows he does care a bit.

In terms of hair, I want the character to have his hair styled in a way similar to the picture shown. His costume will show that he doesn't care too much about fashion, however his hair will be styled showing he does still care slightly. When the character is with the female protagonist his hair will be styled neatly like this, showing that he is making an effort to impress her or to try and make her happy. This is conventional of the romance genre as often the love interests dress up or style themselves differently when they are together so that they can impress or attract each other.

The character will wear trainers similar to these in many of the shots. Trainers and jeans follow the conventions of stereotypical teen fashion as they give codes of a laid-back lifestyle. Teenagers aren't often in full time employment and therefore can wear things like this instead of business clothes such a suits and ties, so this shows the characters lifestyle and a bit about his personality, to the audience. Trainers are conventional of sport and therefore this shows that the character is sporty and may exercise frequently, however isn't obsessed with sport or he would be wearing tracksuit bottoms and a sports top. I believe that following this style in terms of Theo's costume, will allow him to be presented to the audience in the correct way. Following popular fashion that is associated with teens currently, should prove effective in attracting  an appropriate target audience as they may be able to relate to the character and will therefore potentially become more interested in watching the film.