Sunday 2 November 2014

Location Scouting 4

City Location

 These are examples of some of the pictures I took whilst I was in London for the day. City locations are often very good for romance films as the stock characters are usually young adults, sometimes businessmen and women and therefore they would be likely to live in a city and would also be likely to enjoy the nightlife there e.g. clubs and bars. Also city locations give connotations of higher crime rates and often teenagers are the stock characters of romance films and teenagers and crime are stereotyped together as some people perceive teenagers to be anti-social and dangerous/rebellious. Whilst city locations have proven to be successful in films of the romance genre, so have rural locations. I live in a rural area so in terms of convenience and logistics I think I might stick to more rural/countryside locations. These locations are often quieter and therefore sometimes more romantic and secluded. However they have less going on and give less opportunity to display the conventional 'party lifestyle' associated with teens and young adults. So I will have to think of a way round this to ensure that I still appeal to my target audience and that they can still relate to much of the narrative. Although I will most likely not film in any big city locations, it is useful to see what these include and how they differ from the countryside/village locations I plan to use. I may not be able to use a busy city location however I live fairly close to a busy town so I could consider filming there in order to capture some shots, potentially the nightlife/partying shots.

Another factor I need to consider is the weather, in many of these shots the weather is sunny and it adds natural lighting to the location. However, I will be filming during the winter and therefore the weather will most likely be bad. Wind and rain can effect filming so I will have to plan around this. Also, much of the time it will be cloudy and in some locations this will mean that the shots could possibly be very dark, which may give them the wrong tone for the genre of the film, therefore I will have to consider this carefully and plan precise times during the day that I know the light will be good enough to film in.