Monday 16 March 2015

Ancillary: Focal Image Options

Below is the first still shot that I took and thought was effective as the characters are both central in the image and their stance, in the way they are holding each other and kissing/almost kissing, is very iconic of the romance genre. I have added different filters over this image taken from a photo editing app called Retrica, this app isn't the most professional and doesn't have the features of programmes like photoshop or InDesign, however I just used it as a starting point to allow me to experiment and see which, if any filters were effective. I think the first, original is my favourite so far as I like the way the characters are positioned and I think the shot is well lit with the sun shining through the leaves and therefore making the image look bright and cheerful. However, I will keep trying out different filters, potentially similar to the ones below however maybe slightly more natural so the pictures don't look too staged and unnatural, and see if there are any appropriate filters for the image my poster or magazine cover. However, once I decide on the shot that I want to use most, then I will focus on using programmes like photoshop to edit and improve my photos using a greater and more professional range of tools.