Tuesday 3 March 2015

Audience Feedback for Trailer Draft 1 (outdoor only)

I showed draft 1 of my romance trailer to a group of 10 of my audience, over half of these were female teenagers and so this linked to and represented the niche target audience I'm focusing my film on. It was very useful to get feedback on my initial trailer from these people as they are the stereotypical demographic to watch romance films and therefore they will understand the conventional features and elements of these films that should potentially be included in their trailers. 

Positive Feedback on the Trailer:
  • The audience said that they liked the lighting of the shots on the sunny day as it gave the trailer a positive tone and it represented the happiness of the protagonists when they are together. 
  • The non-diegetic soundtrack of 'Passenger/Let Her Go' was liked by the audience and many of them said that it was very appropriate and tied in with the narrative and the range of shots very well. 
  • The shot of the characters legs walking across the stream was one of the favourite shots and was described as being very effective and potentially being a good opening shot or a shot to represent a change in location or situation. 
  • All of the outdoor shots were seen as being very effectively lit by external lighting and therefore clear and not blurry, making them look more high quality and professional. 
Areas for Improvement in the Trailer:
  • The audience said that a few of the shots were quite similar as they were all outdoors and in park or field locations, however I hadn't yet included my indoor shots in this draft and so they said that when these were included it may allow more variety within shots and will therefore be more interesting. 
  • The audience said that titles were definitely needed and transitions would help to split some of the shots up and allow them to fade into each other less suddenly. 
  • The narrative was seen as confusing for a few of the audience, this could potentially be because some shots were still missing from this particular draft. However, the order of the shots in the trailers timeline needs to be carefully considered. 
  • Dialogue was discussed and the audience thought that some dialogue within the shots might have been effective. If not, then they suggested a voiceover to make the narrative clear and to potentially allow one of the main characters to give their point of view to the audience and to interest them. 
Changes to be made:
  • In my next draft I need to make sure I include both titles and transitions. My trailer needs titles in between or over shots to help explain the narrative even further and to back up all the shots in representing the relationship between the characters. 
  • I have decided not to include dialogue between the characters in my trailer, however I will include a voiceover from the female character explaining their relationship and her feelings towards it. This will attract a female target audience as they will get insight into her personality and behaviour and may be able to relate to her as they will be a similar age and may have been through a similar situation. 
  •  My next draft will include the indoor scenes/shots as well so hopefully the narrative will make more sense and follow a similar Todorov narrative structure as it will include a beginning, set up/development of relationship, diequilibrium and then equilibrium before the end. 
  • The soundtrack was enjoyed and praised hugely by the audience that I showed this draft to and therefore I will need to either find something similar but non-copyright, or ask a band that I know to re-record a version of that specific song as it worked so effectively with the shots included.