Sunday 15 March 2015

Ancillary: Rough Sketch of Initial Poster Ideas

To the left is a very rough an basic sketch of my initial layout idea for the poster I'm going to create to link to my romance film trailer. I lack the artistic skills to produce a very in-depth sketch on what I imagine my poster to look like, however I have drawn this up to allow a basic initial design to be shown. I have tried to ensure that despite this drawing being basic, it still includes many of the conventions that are commonly stereotyped with romance film posters, or just film posters in general. For example, the focal image is always included along with the film title, and then actors names and quotes/ratings are iconic of film posters as well, therefore I intend to include these features in my poster when I actually come to create it digitally. The actual poster design will be much neater and more precise because it will be done using computer programmes and therefore won't involve me having to sketch out any of the design.

(Note: The word slogan should say strapline, however this is just a very basic sketch so I didn't see much point in changing it)