Tuesday 24 March 2015

Ancillary: Magazine Production: Typography

My magazine is called 'Cinematic' I used a fairly plain font and a simple white colour. The white colour is reflected throughout the magazine cover as white typography is often conventional for magazine covers if the background is brightly coloured or involves an actual image, which mine does. The bold white font
                                                                                                        stands out on the coloured background and I feel it is effective as the background already uses a range of colours, so if I'd have used a brighter font colour for my magazine title, then it could have looked too busy and potentially put people off. The title is written completely in capitals, this is another convention of magazine front covers as capitals are icons of excitement and trying to catch people's attention and this is exactly what magazines intend to do.

I put a slight outline on the font at the bottom of the magazine cover. The buzzword 'PLUS' is outlined also so that it is emphasised even more so than before to ensure that it catches the audiences eye. The slight white outline helped to make the font look more 3D and therefore seem raised up from the background image. I think this outline would be more effective than having no outline at all as the could then potentially begin to blend in slightly with, especially the black, shades in of the background image. The last thing anyone aims for on a magazine is the text blending in to the background and not standing out, therefore I think the outline is effective.