Monday 23 March 2015

Voiceover Recording

 Earlier my main female actress, Kate, and I worked on recording the voiceover for my trailer. I thought that having the main female character for the trailer's voiceover would be effective as it would allow the audience to link a voice to the main character and then allow them to potentially relate to the character more and to gain more insight into her personality. Many of the target audience are female teenagers of a similar age to my actress and therefore the voiceover could allow them to understand and connect to the character, therefore making them more likely to watch the film or at least to show an interest in the trailer. Also, the voiceover done by one of the characters, not only allows a point of view to be given, but also means that the narrative is explained in more detail and the voiceover links to the shots on screen so the audience can follow both and instantly understand about the genre and character types that the film involves and that are stereotypical of romance films.

To record the voiceover we used a Macbook Air and the voice recording app that was pre-installed on there. Despite this not being of immensely high quality, the recording worked out well enough and is clear to hear and understand. If necessary I will use garageband or a similar programme to edit a few of the tones in the voiceover and to ensure that there is no echoing. However, due to lack of high quality and professional equipment, and in terms of convenience in that the Macbook is a home laptop and we therefore have access to it anytime, we made do with what programmes and equipment we had. The voiceover isn't that long and will be accompanied by a non-diegetic soundtrack alongside it, therefore it isn't a huge part of my trailer. However, it is still important as it does provide the audience with insight into what the characters are feeling or why they are acting in a certain way.