Thursday 5 March 2015

Research: Film Titles

The first film title is from the 1995 rom-com/coming of age film. The title is on a pink background which will immediately appeal to the female target audience stereotyped with romance films as a whole. The use of the shimmering/sparkly diamond font also links very closely to the target audience, maybe a slightly younger female audience as diamante and glittery fonts are conventional of romance films targeting a younger audience, teenagers around 13+. This font is stereotypically very feminine as it includes silver gems which have codes of jewellery and jewellery is a stereotypically female thing as females wear it much more than males. This font is very eye-catching as it looks flashy and shiny and the silver is clearly emphasised and clear on the pink background, however this typography wouldn't necessarily be that appropriate for my film. This film is set in a high-school and is based around the drama and gossip element of teenage life, therefore this bold and glamorous title is very appropriate as it ties in with the lifestyle of many of the female characters in the film, who are fairly wealthy and enjoy hobbies stereotyped with teenage girls such as shopping. However, this wouldn't be appropriate for my trailer as my film follows a very different narrative to the conventional romance film with a gossip theme set in a high school with a range of stock male and female characters. 

Love Actually:
This title has a very simple design and style, however I think it is still very effective and appropriate for the romance genre. The word 'love' is included in the title therefore it automatically represents the romance genre as love is the main aspect of every romance film. The word is written in red typography and red is iconic of the romance genre as it is stereotyped with love and hearts. The first word in the title is bolder and in a brighter colour so it stands out more and draws the audience in, the second word is less important and is more like an afterthought so is in a smaller and less bold font, but is still clear and noticeable. I liked the use of typography for this title as it is simple and therefore seems to be targeting an older target audience, of mainly adults, compared to the title above. The red colour used is highly conventional of the genre and is very noticeable which is important for a title. I like the use of a plain white background as the black and the red font used automatically stands out on it. Overall this title is designed nicely and I would consider using a similar typography for the title of my film, however it is simple and most likely used with a large and eye catching image, therefore if I decide to use a simple title like this, then I must ensure it is still interesting and not to basic to attract an audience. 

A Cinderella Story:
This typography is very bold thick and therefore each letter stands out clearly and therefore will draw in audience attention immediately as they will be able to easily read the title and will then potentially want to know more about the film. The font uses a nice fade effect to go from a lighter blue to a darker blue at the bottom, this looks effective and is pleasant to look at as the colours contrast well. Pastel colours, particularly baby blue shades like the one above, are conventional of romance film typography and posters and therefore the colour of the font above links to the romance genre very successfully. Pastel shades are fairly positive and uplifting meaning that many of the target audience will look at this and sense that the film has a happy tone and narrative, and therefore a potentially happy ending which is what many of the female target audience of romance films have proven to enjoy. I would consider using a similar title to this for my film as I think that it is fairly basic but still effective and both my film and this film will target teenage females and so I want to use the stereotypical style and colours that interest this demographic. However, a font like this might be a bit to fairytale-like for my film and may attract a slightly younger audience than I planned to, also my film includes the characters drinking alcohol etc so it won't necessarily be appropriate or relatable to a younger audience and won't follow all the same positive themes as the film above. Therefore I might consider using a slightly more professional and less pastel coloured font so that it links more closely to the tone of my trailer.