Here is a basic list of the shots that I plan to film within the next week:
- Close up of text message showing male character together and flirting with another girl (ensure the shot looks like it has been taken by someone who is watching them without them knowing and trying to remain unseen.)
- Long shot of male character, Theo, and one of his friends, he sees the female character and looks at her for a short time.
- Close up of male character noticing and looking at female, then turning away and walking off.
- Medium shot of the female character looking upset and confusing, she then begins to cry.
- Medium shot of the female opening a letter in the post. The letter contains lots of pictures in black and white of the male and the other girl. She glances at all the pictures and then slides them away.
- Close up/Pan shot of all the black and white pictures showing the protagonist, Theo and the intended antagonist (because she comes between the two main characters and breaks them up) the other female.
- Medium shot of the male character grabbing the pictures and either throwing them away or ripping them up.
- Exteme long shot of the male stood outside his car shouting at the female, he gets in and slams the door.
- Extreme long shot/Over the shoulder shot of the camera positioned behind the female looking over her shoulder, showing her perspective, of the male driving away in the car.
- Medium shot of the stock female best-friend character talking about the male protagonist.
In all of these shots, unless they follow directly on from one another, I will have the characters wearing completely different costumes. Therefore, showing a jump cut and a development in time which is conventional of all trailers.