Friday 27 March 2015

Posters to compare to

The key image of the two characters on this poster is fairly similar to mine, it involves the main male and female protagonists, they are both positioned facing towards each other and are close enough to show that there is a significant romantic relationship between them. The image I used for my poster is more of a medium shot than this and it involves the characters looking directly at each other. I think this image for the 'Titanic' poster is effective, although the characters don't have direct eye contact, you can tell by the way they are holding each other and gripping hands that they are in love. However, I decided to use direct eye contact in my image as I think it symbolises a romantic relationship very well and gives connotations of love and potentially lust.
This particular film poster for the romance film 'Australia' is laid out so the names of the actors appear in the top corners of the page, they appear above the actors heads so that the star system technique is used and the audience can link the names to faces. The star system is often used on posters as it allows the film to be associated with well-known and successful actors and therefore attracts a wider target audience. I have positioned my actors names in the same way on my poster, the names aren't directly above the heads of my characters, however they are in the same halves as the actors so they match and can clearly be linked to them. The background of my poster is the location of one of the scenes in the film, the park location where the actors first meet. This is similar to this particular poster in the way that the desert type location that the film is located in, has been included in this poster.
The difference between them is that this specific poster uses the location as a separate image to the one of the stock characters at the top, where as my location is surrounding the actors as a background shot for the poster. However, the key thing is that the film location is included in both, therefore I have followed this convention in my film.

This film poster has included the film's title at the bottom and in the centre of the page, I have followed this common and stereotypical convention for my poster. I feel that it is effective as it allows the key image to be visible and not covered by anything, therefore no attention is drawn away from it. However, it is still in the centre so it is hard to miss, and it appears in a much larger font than the distribution information and release date, so it is still very eye catching for an audience who happen to come into contact with this poster, by walking past it etc.

This poster has included the phrase "Coming Soon" which is the equivalent to a release date for the film and is intended to excite the audience with the thought of the film coming out shortly so they will anticipate more and potentially be more likely to watch it.